Thursday, July 24, 2008


today the australian tradition of inefficiency was taken to a new level. inefficiency might not be the best word to describe this particular event. Waiting eagerly for my results to come in the mail, I was starting to feel something was amiss, when my results failed to show up like all my peers. But also having been away for the past month, I decided to look thru the stack of mail, that had the slim chance of concealing the envelope I so eagerly seek.

Did I find a letter from Monash University? I sure did.

Did the letter contain my results from last semester? NO!

What the letter did say instead, was that the FACULTY of MEDICINE was " your attendace at the year 3 formative exam was recorded as ABSENT" " It is disappointing that I FAILED to take the OPPORTUNITY to EXPERIENCE the format of 3rd year examinations" which were substantially different from previous years of study. The faculty also sought from my part "an explanation for my absence from such an important learning opportunity"

So I called them up and asked them what the fuck was going on. and it appeared just like in a David Blaine magic show, my script turns up in the pile of 'empty' scripts, the extras that weren't filled in, hence MISPLACED. I seriously don't expect such mistakes to take place in an institution of that like Monash, one of the BIGGEST and highest ranked universities in Australia, plus I don't pay FULL FEES for this to happen to me. Now, I have to wait again for my script to be marked and for the feedback and remarks to get back to me......

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