Saturday, September 22, 2007

med ball 2007....

spring break is finally here and what better than med ball to get things started. last night was perhaps one of the best nights I've had since the last Med ball. This year's event took place at the Royal Exhibition Building up in Carlton, and it was an affair to remember. I'm not sure I am able to describe it much, you'd have to be there yourself to experience the awesome-ness of the night. but it has been a while now since my last binge drinking episode, and I must say things aren't that well as I type this blog. it could've easily added up to 15 drinks, of a various combination of beers, wines, champagne and spirits, but it wasn't so bad that I can't remember...

At the Ball: 4 wines, 3 champagnes, 6 beers

After party: 2 Beers, 1 bourbon-coke, 1 pineapple malibu, 1 Jaegger bomb

so its actually more than what I first recalled... a few sculls together with Tim lindsay and his rugby mates, i coulda sworn, put the nail in the coffin...

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