The Gym routine has been going well, and I'm not snacking as much,but thats possibly because my snacks were devoured in a space of 2 days and I haven't been able to get of my ass to get more...
to anyone who might stumble upon this blog, DO NOT WATCH ZODIAC. It is perhaps one of the longest, most boring, and retarded movies ever made, especially when you are made to share a bean bag otherwise known as the 'love sack' thats meant for a cozy couple with 2 other people instead. Am I going to write a movie review here? I guess not, it pains me to think of those 3 precious hours i wasted my life away...
On the side of the books, i've been able to get my first step down in revision, starting with anatomy of the HEAD and I've been reading these 2 books; autobiographies of a surgical adventures. the first being Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science by Atul Gawande and Brain Matter: The Adventures of a Brain Surgeon by Katrina S. Firlik.
Haven't completed them yet but I'll be sure to put my thoughts about them down to paper pretty soon.
The weather today has been insane. all FOGGED up, and you can't see further than 100m I reckon. not a safe day to drive.
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